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Judicial Confirmations for January 2011

Judicial Confirmations 111th Congress As of 01/01/2011
Nominee Nomination Date Confirmation Date Circuit/District Incumbent Vacancy Date Vacancy Reason
Berger,Irene Cornelia 07/08/2009 10/27/2009 04 - WVS Faber,David A. 12/31/2008 Senior
Black,Timothy S. 12/24/2009 05/11/2010 06 - OHS Beckwith,Sandra S. 01/01/2009 Senior
Bredar,James Kelleher 04/21/2010 12/16/2010 04 - MD Motz,J. Frederick 12/16/2010 Senior
Casper,Denise Jefferson 04/28/2010 12/17/2010 01 - MA Lindsay,Reginald C. 03/12/2009 Deceased
Chang,Edmond E-Min 04/21/2010 12/18/2010 07 - ILN Bucklo,Elaine E. 10/31/2009 Senior
Childs,J. Michelle 12/22/2009 08/05/2010 04 - SC Anderson Jr.,George Ross 01/29/2009 Senior
Chin,Denny 10/06/2009 04/22/2010 02 - CCA Sack,Robert D. 08/06/2009 Senior
Coleman,Sharon Johnson 02/24/2010 07/12/2010 07 - ILN Filip,Mark 03/09/2008 Resigned
Conley,William M. 10/29/2009 03/04/2010 07 - WIW Crabb,Barbara B. 03/24/2010 Senior
Davis,Andre M. 04/02/2009 11/09/2009 04 - CCA Murnaghan Jr.,Francis Dominic 08/31/2000 Deceased
DeGuilio,Jon E. 01/20/2010 05/11/2010 07 - INN Sharp,Allen 11/01/2007 Senior
Diaz,Albert 11/04/2009 12/18/2010 04 - CCA Wilkins,William W. 07/01/2007 Senior
Eagles,Catherine C. 03/10/2010 12/16/2010 04 - NCM Tilley Jr.,N. Carlton 12/16/2008 Senior
Feinerman,Gary Scott 02/24/2010 06/28/2010 07 - ILN Gettleman,Robert W. 05/05/2009 Senior
Fleissig,Audrey Goldstein 01/20/2010 06/07/2010 08 - MOE Webber,E. Richard 06/30/2009 Senior
Foote,Elizabeth Erny 02/04/2010 06/15/2010 05 - LAW Melancon,Tucker L. 02/14/2009 Senior
Freudenthal,Nancy D. 12/03/2009 05/05/2010 10 - WY Brimmer,Clarence A. 09/27/2006 Senior
Gee,Dolly M. 08/06/2009 12/24/2009 09 - CAC Schiavelli,George P. 10/05/2008 Resigned
Gergel,Richard Mark 12/22/2009 08/05/2010 04 - SC Herlong Jr.,Henry M. 06/01/2009 Senior
Gibney Jr.,John A. 04/14/2010 12/16/2010 04 - VAE Payne,Robert E. 05/07/2007 Senior
Goldsmith,Mark A. 02/04/2010 06/21/2010 06 - MIE O'Meara,John Corbett 01/01/2007 Senior
Greenaway Jr.,Joseph A. 06/19/2009 02/09/2010 03 - CCA Alito Jr.,Samuel A. 01/31/2006 Elevated
Hamilton,David Frank 03/17/2009 11/19/2009 07 - CCA Ripple,Kenneth F. 09/01/2008 Senior
Hollander,Ellen Lipton 04/21/2010 12/18/2010 04 - MD Davis,Andre M. 11/09/2009 Elevated
Honeywell,Charlene Edwards 06/25/2009 11/09/2009 11 - FLM Bucklew,Susan C. 08/01/2008 Senior
Howell,Beryl Alaine 07/14/2010 12/22/2010 DC - DC Friedman,Paul L. 12/31/2009 Senior
Jackson,Brian Anthony 10/29/2009 06/15/2010 05 - LAM Polozola,Frank J. 01/15/2007 Senior
Kallon,Abdul K. 07/31/2009 11/21/2009 11 - ALN Clemon,U. W. 01/31/2009 Resigned
Keenan,Barbara Milano 09/14/2009 03/02/2010 04 - CCA Widener Jr.,H. Emory 09/19/2007 Deceased
Kobayashi,Leslie E. 04/21/2010 12/18/2010 09 - HI Gillmor,Helen W. 06/30/2009 Senior
Koh,Lucy Haeran 01/20/2010 06/07/2010 09 - CAN Whyte,Ronald M. 03/02/2009 Senior
Lange,Roberto A. 07/08/2009 10/21/2009 08 - SD Kornmann,Charles Bruno 07/31/2008 Senior
Lohier Jr.,Raymond Joseph 03/10/2010 12/19/2010 02 - CCA Sotomayor,Sonia 08/06/2009 Elevated
Lynch,Gerard E. 04/02/2009 09/17/2009 02 - CCA Straub,Chester J. 07/16/2008 Senior
Magnus-Stinson,Jane E. 01/20/2010 06/07/2010 07 - INS McKinney,Larry J. 07/04/2009 Senior
Marshall Jr.,Denzil Price 12/03/2009 05/05/2010 08 - ARE Wilson Jr.,William R. 09/30/2008 Senior
Martin,Beverly Baldwin 06/19/2009 01/20/2010 11 - CCA Anderson III,R. Lanier 01/31/2009 Senior
Martinez,William Joseph 02/24/2010 12/21/2010 10 - CO Nottingham,Edward W. 10/29/2008 Resigned
Matheson Jr.,Scott M. 03/03/2010 12/22/2010 10 - CCA McConnell,Michael W. 08/31/2009 Resigned
Mueller,Kimberly J. 03/10/2010 12/16/2010 09 - CAE Damrell Jr.,Frank C. 01/01/2009 Senior
Murguia,Mary Helen 03/25/2010 12/22/2010 09 - CCA Hawkins,Michael Daly 02/12/2010 Senior
Navarro,Gloria M. 12/24/2009 05/05/2010 09 - NV Sandoval,Brian E. 09/15/2009 Resigned
Nelson,Susan Richard 04/21/2010 12/17/2010 08 - MN Rosenbaum,James M. 10/26/2009 Senior
Nguyen,Jacqueline H. 07/31/2009 12/01/2009 09 - CAC Manella,Nora Margaret 05/22/2006 Resigned
O'Malley,Kathleen M. 03/10/2010 12/22/2010 FD - CCA Schall,Alvin A. 10/05/2009 Senior
Pearson,Benita Y. 12/03/2009 12/21/2010 06 - OHN Economus,Peter C. 07/03/2009 Senior
Peterson,Rosanna Malouf 10/13/2009 01/25/2010 09 - WAE Van Sickle,Fred 05/01/2008 Senior
Pratt,Tanya Walton 01/20/2010 06/15/2010 07 - INS Hamilton,David F. 11/19/2009 Elevated
Reeves,Carlton W. 04/28/2010 12/19/2010 05 - MSS Barbour Jr.,William Henry 02/04/2006 Senior
Reiss,Christina 10/13/2009 11/21/2009 02 - VT Murtha,J. Garvan 06/30/2009 Senior
Seeborg,Richard 08/06/2009 12/24/2009 09 - CAN Chesney,Maxine M. 06/30/2009 Senior
Stark,Leonard Philip 03/17/2010 08/05/2010 03 - DE Jordan,Kent A. 12/13/2006 Elevated
Stranch,Jane Branstetter 08/06/2009 09/13/2010 06 - CCA Daughtrey,Martha Craig 01/01/2009 Senior
Thompson,O. Rogeriee 10/06/2009 03/17/2010 01 - CCA Selya,Bruce M. 12/31/2006 Senior
Treadwell,Marc T. 02/04/2010 06/21/2010 11 - GAM Lawson,Hugh 12/31/2008 Senior
Tucker,Josephine Staton 02/04/2010 06/21/2010 09 - CAC Stotler,Alicemarie H. 01/05/2009 Senior
Vanaskie,Thomas I. 08/06/2009 04/21/2010 03 - CCA Van Antwerpen,Franklin S. 10/23/2006 Senior
Viken,Jeffrey L. 06/25/2009 09/29/2009 08 - SD Piersol,Lawrence L. 07/31/2009 Senior
Wilkins,Robert Leon 05/20/2010 12/22/2010 DC - DC Robertson,James 12/31/2008 Senior
Wynn Jr.,James A. 11/04/2009 08/05/2010 04 - CCA Phillips Jr.,James Dickson 07/31/1994 Senior
Total Confirmations: 60