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Future Judicial Vacancies for July 2010

Future Vacancies in the Federal Judiciary 111th Congress As of 07/01/2010
Circuit/District Incumbent Vacancy Reason Vacancy Date Nominee Nomination Date
02 - CT Chatigny,Robert N. Elevated TBD
03 - DE Farnan Jr.,Joseph J. Retired 07/31/2010
03 - PAW Ambrose,Donetta W. Senior 11/05/2010
04 - MD Motz,J. Frederick Senior TBD Bredar,James Kelleher 04/21/2010
04 - VAE Friedman,Jerome B. Senior 11/30/2010
05 - TXS Jack,Janis Graham Senior 06/01/2011
06 - CCA Gilman,Ronald Lee Senior 11/21/2010
06 - OHN O'Malley,Kathleen M. Elevated TBD
07 - ILC Scott,Jeanne E. Resigned 08/01/2010
07 - ILN Andersen,Wayne R. Retired 07/31/2010
08 - MOW Laughrey,Nanette K. Senior 08/27/2011
08 - MOW Smith,Ortrie D. Senior 04/30/2011
09 - AK Sedwick,John W. Senior 03/13/2011
09 - AZ Murguia,Mary H. Elevated TBD
09 - AZ Zapata,Frank R. Senior 08/03/2010
09 - CAS Whelan,Thomas J. Senior 08/15/2010
10 - KS Lungstrum,John W. Senior 11/02/2010
11 - CCA Birch Jr.,Stanley F. Senior 08/29/2010
Total Vacancies: 18
Total Nominees Pending: 1