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Judicial Confirmations for April 2010

Judicial Confirmations 111th Congress As of 04/01/2010
Nominee Nomination Date Confirmation Date Circuit/District Incumbent Vacancy Date Vacancy Reason
Berger,Irene Cornelia 07/08/2009 10/27/2009 04 - WVS Faber,David A. 12/31/2008 Senior
Conley,William M. 10/29/2009 03/04/2010 07 - WIW Crabb,Barbara B. 03/24/2010 Senior
Davis,Andre M. 04/02/2009 11/09/2009 04 - CCA Murnaghan Jr.,Francis Dominic 08/31/2000 Deceased
Gee,Dolly M. 08/06/2009 12/24/2009 09 - CAC Schiavelli,George P. 10/05/2008 Resigned
Greenaway Jr.,Joseph A. 06/19/2009 02/09/2010 03 - CCA Alito Jr.,Samuel A. 01/31/2006 Elevated
Hamilton,David Frank 03/17/2009 11/19/2009 07 - CCA Ripple,Kenneth F. 09/01/2008 Senior
Honeywell,Charlene Edwards 06/25/2009 11/09/2009 11 - FLM Bucklew,Susan C. 08/01/2008 Senior
Kallon,Abdul K. 07/31/2009 11/21/2009 11 - ALN Clemon,U. W. 01/31/2009 Resigned
Keenan,Barbara Milano 09/14/2009 03/02/2010 04 - CCA Widener Jr.,H. Emory 09/19/2007 Deceased
Lange,Roberto A. 07/08/2009 10/21/2009 08 - SD Kornmann,Charles Bruno 07/31/2008 Senior
Lynch,Gerard E. 04/02/2009 09/17/2009 02 - CCA Straub,Chester J. 07/16/2008 Senior
Martin,Beverly Baldwin 06/19/2009 01/20/2010 11 - CCA Anderson III,R. Lanier 01/31/2009 Senior
Nguyen,Jacqueline H. 07/31/2009 12/01/2009 09 - CAC Manella,Nora Margaret 05/22/2006 Resigned
Peterson,Rosanna Malouf 10/13/2009 01/25/2010 09 - WAE Van Sickle,Fred 05/01/2008 Senior
Reiss,Christina 10/13/2009 11/21/2009 02 - VT Murtha,J. Garvan 06/30/2009 Senior
Seeborg,Richard 08/06/2009 12/24/2009 09 - CAN Chesney,Maxine M. 06/30/2009 Senior
Thompson,O. Rogeriee 10/06/2009 03/17/2010 01 - CCA Selya,Bruce M. 12/31/2006 Senior
Viken,Jeffrey L. 06/25/2009 09/29/2009 08 - SD Piersol,Lawrence L. 07/31/2009 Senior
Total Confirmations: 18