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Judicial Caseload Indicators — Judicial Business 2023

Judicial Caseload Indicators
12-Month Periods Ending September 30, 2014, 2019, 2022, and 2023
Judicial Caseload 2014 2019 2022 2023 Percent Change Since 2014 Percent Change Since 2019 Percent Change Since 2022
U.S. Courts of Appeals1              
Cases Filed 54,988 48,486 41,839 39,987 -27.3 -17.5 -4.4
Cases Terminated 55,216 47,889 44,902 40,636 -26.4 -15.1 -9.5
Cases Pending 41,751 38,837 32,512 32,039 -23.3 -17.5 -1.5
U.S. District Courts              
Cases Filed 295,310 297,877 274,771 339,731 15.0 14.1 23.6
Cases Terminated 258,477 311,900 308,326 293,677 13.6 -5.8 -4.8
Cases Pending 337,302 357,566 596,136 642,013 90.3 79.6 7.7
Criminal (Includes Transfers)              
Defendants Filed 81,226 92,678 68,482 66,147 -18.6 -28.6 -3.4
Defendant Terminations 86,676 85,650 72,096 72,371 -16.5 -15.5 0.4
Defendants Pending 101,716 113,987 122,812 117,056 15.1 2.7 -4.7
U.S. Bankruptcy Courts              
Cases Filed 963,739 776,674 383,810 433,658 -55.0 -44.2 13.0
Cases Terminated 1,099,666 788,667 467,522 455,846 -58.5 -42.2 -2.5
Cases Pending 1,399,496 1,015,179 677,108 655,168 -53.2 -35.5 -3.2
Post-Conviction Supervision              
Persons Under Supervision 132,858 128,904 122,872 122,824 -7.6 -4.7 0.0
Pretrial Services              
Total Cases Activated2 100,068 108,606 74,036 71,568 -28.5 -34.1 -3.3
Pretrial Services Cases Activated 99,355 108,163 73,690 71,297 -28.2 -34.1 -3.2
Pretrial Diversion Cases Activated 713 443 346 271 -62.0 -38.8 -21.7
Total Released on Supervision 25,209 26,116 23,099 21,508 -14.7 -17.6 -6.9
Pretrial Supervision 24,185 25,463 22,624 21,111 -12.7 -17.1 -6.7
Diversion Supervision 1,024 653 475 397 -61.2 -39.2 -16.4
Excludes the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Includes cases opened within the districts and cases transferred into the districts.