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Federal Courts Offer Law Day Resources on Civility and Decision-Making

Published on January 26, 2023

Civility in the law and in life is the focus of the Judiciary’s 2023 Law Day resources for teachers, judges, and the legal community. Courtroom and classroom activities that give students real-life experience with civil discourse and solid decision-making skills are at the heart of the Judiciary’s national initiative Civil Discourse and Difficult Decisions.

The court program, which is active in almost every Circuit across the country, is a natural tie-in with the American Bar Association’s 2023 Law Day theme, “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.” Celebrated on May 1 and throughout the month, Law Day has been a visible part of American legal culture since President Eisenhower established it in 1958 to celebrate the rule of law in a free society.

During the event, students participate in jury deliberations on teen-relevant issues in federal courtrooms, where judges preside and attorney volunteers coach students through a realistic hearing. Students practice the civil discourse skills they observe and learn from the judge and attorneys. They also gain awareness of situations that can have lasting and legal consequences.

To find a program at the nearest federal courthouse, contact the federal courts’ national educational outreach manager, Rebecca Fanning. Visit the educational resources section for additional programs and activities.

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