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Celebrating 50 Years of Magistrate Judges

Published on May 23, 2018

Magistrate judges play an important role in the judicial process, helping district judges in criminal and civil matters by handling complaints, issuing search warrants, holding preliminary hearings, and much more.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Federal Magistrates Act, a distinguished panel of judges discussed the work of magistrate judges in the federal Judiciary.

The program, “Knowledge Seminar: Magistrate Judges — Integral to the Judiciary,” was recorded on April 3 in Washington, D.C. The panelists were U.S. District Judge Paul Grimm, District of Maryland; Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale, District of Idaho; Magistrate Judge Kevin N. Fox, Southern District of New York; and Chief Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero, Northern District of California.

Watch videos of past Knowledge Seminars.

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