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Historic Courthouse Hosts NY Landmarks Exhibit

Published on December 15, 2015

The Conrad B. Duberstein U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse in Brooklyn is currently hosting an exhibit of 95 framed photographs of historic New York City landmarks.

The exhibit is part of the Landmarks50 Alliance’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of New York ’s Landmarks Law, signed by Mayor Robert F. Wagner in 1965 to safeguard the city’s most culturally valuable locations.

The exhibit is located in the building’s three-story atrium. The Duberstein courthouse, built in 1892, is itself designated a New York City Landmark.

Lawyers, litigants, court staff and the public can view the exhibit Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., through the end of January 2016. The courthouse is located at 271-C Cadman Plaza East.

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