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Judicial Confirmations for October 2018

Judicial Confirmations

Last updated on

Total Confirmations: 68

Nominee Nomination Date Confirmation Date Court Incumbent Vacancy Reason Vacancy Date
Albright,Alan D. 01/24/2018 09/06/2018 05 - TXW Smith Jr.,Walter S. Retired 09/14/2016
Ashe,Barry W. 01/08/2018 08/28/2018 05 - LAE Lemelle,Ivan L. Senior 06/29/2015
Axon,Annemarie Carney 01/08/2018 06/06/2018 11 - ALN Blackburn,Sharon Lovelace Senior 05/08/2015
Baker,R. Stan 09/07/2017 08/28/2018 11 - GAS Moore Jr.,William T. Senior 02/28/2017
Barrett,Amy Coney 05/08/2017 10/31/2017 07 - CCA Tinder,John Daniel Senior 02/18/2015
Baxter,Susan Paradise 12/20/2017 08/28/2018 03 - PAW McLaughlin,Sean J. Resigned 08/16/2013
Beaverstock,Jeffrey Uhlman 01/08/2018 08/01/2018 11 - ALS Granade,Callie V.S. Senior 03/07/2016
Bennett,Mark Jeremy 02/15/2018 07/10/2018 09 - CCA Clifton,Richard R. Senior 12/31/2016
Bibas,Stephanos 06/19/2017 11/02/2017 03 - CCA Rendell,Marjorie O. Senior 07/01/2015
Boom,Claria Horn 06/12/2017 04/10/2018 06 - KYE Coffman,Jennifer B. Retired 01/08/2013
Branch,Elizabeth L. 01/08/2018 02/27/2018 11 - CCA Hull,Frank Mays Senior 12/31/2017
Brasel,Nancy E. 02/15/2018 08/28/2018 08 - MN Montgomery,Ann D. Senior 05/31/2016
Brennan,Michael B. 01/08/2018 05/10/2018 07 - CCA Evans,Terence T. Senior 01/07/2010
Broomes,John Wesley 09/07/2017 04/12/2018 10 - KS Marten,John Thomas Senior 05/01/2017
Brown,Michael Lawrence 07/13/2017 01/11/2018 11 - GAN Carnes,Julie E. Elevated 07/21/2014
Bush,John Kenneth 05/08/2017 07/20/2017 06 - CCA Boggs,Danny J. Senior 02/28/2017
Campbell Jr.,William L. 07/13/2017 01/09/2018 06 - TNM Sharp,Kevin Hunter Resigned 04/15/2017
Carson III,Joel M. 12/20/2017 05/15/2018 10 - CCA Kelly Jr.,Paul J. Senior 12/31/2017
Coggins Jr.,Donald C. 08/03/2017 11/16/2017 04 - SC Anderson Jr.,Joseph F. Senior 11/16/2014
Connolly,Colm F. 12/20/2017 08/01/2018 03 - DE Robinson,Sue L. Senior 02/03/2017
Counts III,Walter David 09/11/2017 01/11/2018 05 - TXW Junell,Robert A. Senior 02/13/2015
Dooley,Kari A. 12/20/2017 09/06/2018 02 - CT Chatigny,Robert N. Senior 01/01/2017
Doughty,Terry A. 08/03/2017 03/06/2018 05 - LAW James,Robert G. Senior 05/31/2016
Duncan,Stuart Kyle 01/08/2018 04/24/2018 05 - CCA Davis,W. Eugene Senior 12/31/2016
Eid,Allison H. 06/07/2017 11/02/2017 10 - CCA Gorsuch,Neil M. Elevated 04/07/2017
Engelhardt,Kurt D. 01/08/2018 05/09/2018 05 - CCA Clement,Edith Brown Senior 05/09/2018
Erickson,Ralph R. 06/07/2017 09/28/2017 08 - CCA Bye,Kermit Edward Senior 04/22/2015
Friedrich,Dabney Langhorne 06/07/2017 11/27/2017 DC - DC Walton,Reggie B. Senior 12/31/2015
Goodwin,Charles Barnes 01/08/2018 08/28/2018 10 - OKW Cauthron,Robin J. Senior 07/14/2015
Gorsuch,Neil M. 02/01/2017 04/07/2017 SC - Scalia,Antonin Deceased 02/13/2016
Grant,Britt Cagle 04/10/2018 07/31/2018 11 - CCA Carnes,Julie E. Senior 06/18/2018
Grasz,Leonard Steven 08/03/2017 12/12/2017 08 - CCA Riley,William Jay Senior 06/30/2017
Ho,James C. 10/16/2017 12/14/2017 05 - CCA King,Carolyn Dineen Senior 12/31/2013
Horan,Marilyn Jean 12/20/2017 09/06/2018 03 - PAW Lancaster,Gary L. Deceased 04/24/2013
Jennings,Rebecca Grady 09/07/2017 04/12/2018 06 - KYW Heyburn II,John G. Senior 04/01/2014
Jung,William F. 12/21/2017 09/06/2018 11 - FLM Conway,Anne C. Senior 08/01/2015
Katsas,Gregory G. 09/07/2017 11/28/2017 DC - CCA Brown,Janice Rogers Retired 08/31/2017
Kelly,Timothy J. 06/07/2017 09/05/2017 DC - DC Collyer,Rosemary M. Senior 05/18/2016
Lanza,Dominic W. 01/24/2018 09/06/2018 09 - AZ Bolton,Susan R. Senior 09/01/2016
Larsen,Joan Louise 05/08/2017 11/01/2017 06 - CCA McKeague,David W. Senior 11/01/2017
Marks,Emily Coody 01/08/2018 08/01/2018 11 - ALM Thompson,Myron H. Senior 08/22/2013
McFadden,Trevor N. 06/07/2017 10/30/2017 DC - DC Leon,Richard J. Senior 12/31/2016
Moorer,Terry Fitzgerald 01/08/2018 08/28/2018 11 - ALS Steele,William H. Senior 06/08/2017
Nalbandian,John B. 01/24/2018 05/15/2018 06 - CCA Rogers,John M. Senior 05/15/2018
Newsom,Kevin Christopher 05/08/2017 08/01/2017 11 - CCA Dubina,Joel F. Senior 10/26/2013
Noreika,Maryellen 12/20/2017 08/01/2018 03 - DE Sleet,Gregory M. Senior 05/01/2017
Nye,David C. 05/08/2017 07/12/2017 09 - ID Lodge,Edward J. Senior 07/03/2015
Oldham,Andrew S. 02/15/2018 07/18/2018 05 - CCA Prado,Edward C. Retired 04/02/2018
Otake,Jill Aiko 12/21/2017 08/01/2018 09 - HI Mollway,Susan Oki Senior 11/06/2015
Palk,Scott L. 05/08/2017 10/26/2017 10 - OKW Friot,Stephen P. Senior 12/01/2014
Parker,Thomas Lee Robinson 07/13/2017 01/10/2018 06 - TNW Mays Jr.,Samuel H. Senior 07/01/2015
Quattlebaum Jr.,A. Marvin 05/07/2018 08/16/2018 04 - CCA Traxler Jr.,William B. Senior 08/31/2018
Quattlebaum Jr.,A. Marvin 08/03/2017 03/01/2018 04 - SC Currie,Cameron McGowan Senior 10/03/2013
Richardson,Julius Ness 05/07/2018 08/16/2018 04 - CCA Shedd,Dennis W. Senior 01/30/2018
Rodriguez Jr.,Fernando 09/07/2017 06/05/2018 05 - TXS Costa,Gregg Jeffrey Elevated 05/20/2014
Scholer,Karen Gren 09/07/2017 03/05/2018 05 - TXN Solis,Jorge A. Retired 05/01/2016
Scudder,Michael Y. 02/15/2018 05/14/2018 07 - CCA Posner,Richard A. Retired 09/02/2017
Self III,Tilman Eugene 07/13/2017 03/05/2018 11 - GAM Royal,Charles Ashley Senior 09/01/2016
St. Eve,Amy J. 02/15/2018 05/14/2018 07 - CCA Williams,Ann C. Senior 06/05/2017
Stras,David Ryan 01/08/2018 01/30/2018 08 - CCA Murphy,Diana E. Senior 11/29/2016
Summerhays,Robert R. 01/24/2018 09/06/2018 05 - LAW Doherty,Rebecca F. Senior 06/05/2017
Sweeney II,James R. 11/01/2017 08/28/2018 07 - INS Barker,Sarah Evans Senior 06/30/2014
Teeter,Holly Lou 01/08/2018 08/01/2018 10 - KS Vratil,Kathryn H. Senior 04/22/2014
Thapar,Amul Roger 03/21/2017 05/25/2017 06 - CCA Martin Jr.,Boyce F. Retired 08/16/2013
Tostrud,Eric C. 02/15/2018 09/06/2018 08 - MN Frank,Donovan W. Senior 10/31/2016
Wier,Robert Earl 08/03/2017 06/05/2018 06 - KYE Thapar,Amul R. Elevated 05/25/2017
Willett,Don R. 10/03/2017 12/13/2017 05 - CCA Garza,Emilio M. Senior 08/01/2012
Williams,Charles J. 02/15/2018 09/06/2018 08 - IAN Reade,Linda R. Senior 10/01/2017