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Judicial Confirmations for October 2015

Judicial Confirmations

Last updated on

Total Confirmations: 6

Nominee Nomination Date Confirmation Date Court Incumbent Vacancy Reason Vacancy Date
Stoll,Kara Farnandez 01/07/2015 07/07/2015 FD - CCA Rader,Randall R. Retired 06/30/2014
Bennett,Alfred H. 01/07/2015 04/13/2015 05 - TXS Hoyt,Kenneth M. Senior 03/02/2013
Hanks Jr.,George C. 01/07/2015 04/20/2015 05 - TXS Atlas,Nancy F. Senior 06/20/2014
Olvera Jr.,Jose Rolando 01/07/2015 05/21/2015 05 - TXS Tagle,Hilda G. Senior 12/31/2012
Ketchmark,Roseann A. 01/07/2015 09/08/2015 08 - MOW Fenner,Gary A. Senior 09/08/2015
Parrish,Jill N. 01/07/2015 05/21/2015 10 - UT Benson,Dee V. Senior 01/01/2014